Uber atg

ATG Anthem
The purpose of the Autonomous Technologies Group (ATG) is to build state-of-the-art technology that saves lives and makes cities safer. The purpose of this video was to increase the understanding of and excitement about Uber’s autonomous technology by educating riders, the press, and the general public on how it works and the positive impact it can have.

That’s easier said than done when studies show more than three-quarters of Americans are afraid to ride in a self-driving car. Yet no one (well, almost no one) fears their coffee maker, Roomba, or apartment elevator. By associating autonomous vehicles with other sophisticated and familiar automation we don’t think twice about interacting with on a regular basis, we can use this video to start to normalize the vehicles’ existence.

Xenon Build Reveal
Behind every string of code and in the front seat of every vehicle are the people who power advanced technologies. They are quite literally the brains of the third-generation autonomous vehicle, Xenon.

In this internal video, these smart, talented, and dedicated employees and vehicle operators show how building autonomous vehicles is a collaborative effort and collective passion. And while you may not see all of them in the car, they’ll always see to it that you’re safe.